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A member registered Nov 01, 2023

Recent community posts

I have to say, Alvy's character design is by far my favorite design in this game!!! It just barely beats the MC's design for me. I can only hope Alvy gets his own route just how like Oliver got a route in Tate's update! Really hope to see more of him in future updates!

Very nice update! I hope this VN has romanceable options and doesn't just follow one love interest. I would love to get closer to Gabriel! I can't wait for future updates!!!

Excited for this project. I wonder how far out the first build is.

Amazing update! I can't wait until the next one comes out. This project has easily become one of my favorites! Keep up the amazing work!

Waiting since the release for the Axel / Dom route. I can't wait for it to come out!

I really hope we can get an update to this project soon! 

I hope we get to see more Selwyn and have more interactions with him in Oscar's route!

I really hope we can expect an update sometime soon!

I can't wait for the next update to come out! I spent a good while trying to meet Perce and can't wait to see more of him and get to spend more time with him hopefully!

OMG Thank You so much!!!!! I don't know how I missed the soundtrack link! Seeing that link definitely makes me so much happier!

I need to know where I can find the song that plays during their show. It instantly reminded me of Supersoaker by Kings of Leon and I fell in love with it! A full version of it where I could listen to it during my day would be amazing!!! Always looking forward to each update of this VN!

This VN is really one of my top favorites! I really hope we can get an update soon!

I haven't played in a while but last time I played there wasn't really any choice to romancing the love interests, has that changed or is that something that won't be in the VN? I really hope Atlas is romanceable. Besides that question, this VN is really good and high quality! Looking forward to catching up on what I've missed!

I hope we can get a update soon! I can't wait long enough for more of this amazing story!

I just found this VN and I have to say, I fell in love with it so fast! The character designs and art style is really nice and paired with a unique story hooked me even more! I can't wait for more builds to come out as I am looking forward to this project very much!

Man, I was really hoping that Trent would be a love interest. Hopefully that is still possible. And why do I feel like they were going to say the name was Amadeus?

Hope we can see an update soon!

This is amazing so far! I am really looking forward to the development of this VN. I really love the designs and personalities of the characters! Design wise, Tread has to be my favorite of the bunch so far!

Oh, okay. I got so attached to Tobin!

Out of curiosity, how many love interests are there? 

That's amazing to hear! Keep up the awesome work!

I love the art style, I love the characters, and I love the story! I really hope this project isn't cancelled and I look forward to more updates!

Recently found this VN and looks forward to future chapters! It's so good! Hope to see more soon!

Just found this VN and I have to say, I am LOVING it! Really looking forward to the next chapter